Editorial Team


Lalu Masyhudi (Scopus ID: 57478475900 | Google Scholar)

Departemen DIII Perhotelan, Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Mataram, Indonesia



James F. D'Angelo (Scopus ID: 35891065700 | Google Scholar)
World Englishes, Chukyo Universiity, Japan

Mohammad Kazemian (Scopus ID: 57222762878 | Google Scholar)
Department of English, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, Islamic Republic of

Syafryadin (Scopus ID: 57212212579 | SINTA ID: 6693636Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia

Umi Rahmawati (Scopus ID: 57216862994 | SINTA ID: 6614658 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia

Kasyfur Rahman (SINTA ID: 6688431 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram, Indonesia

Endang Kusrini (SINTA ID: 6727043 | Google Scholar)
Departement of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia

Titi Rokhayati (Scopus ID: 57420183700 | SINTA ID: 5975953 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Indonesia

Abdul Gafur Marzuki (Scopus ID: 57202442507 | SINTA ID: 5988566 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Indonesia

Fransisca Endang Lestariningsih (SINTA ID: 5980753 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Indonesia

Mohammad Ahmad Saleem khasawneh (Scopus ID: 57219400813 | Google Scholar)
Special Education Department, King Khaled University, Saudi Arabia

Umut Muharrem Salihoglu (Scopus ID: 55588018000 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Uludag Universitesi, Turkey

Faisal Mustafa (Scopus ID: 57196276489 | SINTA ID: 58901 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia

Nanang Bagus Subekti (Scopus ID: 35337950600 | SINTA ID: 5974492 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Indonesia

Nur Hafiz Abdurahman (Scopus ID: 57208160663 | SINTA ID: 6662753 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

Eri Rahmawati (Scopus ID: 56069392000 | SINTA ID: 6717159 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Indonesia



Sugirin (Scopus ID: 57209618398 | SINTA ID: 6023008 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Ni Nyoman Padmadewi (Scopus ID: 57194707430 | SINTA ID: 5974177 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Indonesia
Joko Nurkamto (Scopus ID: 56436592800 | SINTA ID: 6068826 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Suwarsih Madya (Scopus ID: 57204001987 | SINTA ID: 6031006 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Bachrudin Musthafa (Scopus ID: 56493136500 | SINTA ID: 5991800 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Ben Wadham (Scopus ID: 35338200400 | Google Scholar)
Intercultural Language Learning, Flinders University, South Australia
Rudi Hartono (Scopus ID: 57212033540 | SINTA ID: 385 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Kundharu Saddhono (Scopus ID: 55571941200 | SINTA ID: 258849 | Google Scholar)
Applied Linguistic, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Muhammad Mukhtar Aliyu (Scopus ID: 57191898412 | Google Scholar)
Department of English and Literary Studies, Bauchi State University, Gadau, Bauchi State Nigeria
Maimunah Abdul Kadir (Scopus ID57040787900 | Google Scholar)
English Language and Literature, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
M. Arif Rahman Hakim (Scopus ID: 57204292720 | SINTA ID: 6184730 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Bengkulu, Indonesia
Haerazi (Scopus ID: 57212109753 | SINTA ID: 6720929 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika, Indonesia
Dedi Irwansyah (Scopus ID: 57209617555 | SINTA ID: 6013764 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, IAIN Metro Lampung, Indonesia
Martha Betaubun (Scopus ID: 57204002200 | SINTA ID: 6226902 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Musamus Merauke, Indonesia 
Sri Sarwanti (Scopus ID: 57487315600 | SINTA ID: 6127682 | Google Scholar)
Department of English Language Education, Universitas Tidar, Indonesia
Behnam Aghayani (Scopus ID: 57213817680Google Scholar)
Applied Linguistic, Payame Noor University,Iran